Replication Data for Journal Articles
School Segregation and Desegregation Databases
SP1500 Wikipedia Page Link Data
Political Liberalism Index Data
Political Liberalism Index for each zip code (5-digits) based on FEC individual contributions files. This is a measure capturing the extent to which the local community is more democrat-leaning in prior 3 election cycles. For the details of constructing the measure please check Gupta and Briscoe (2019) ASQ paper. (Pls cite Zhang 2021 article when you use the index)
SP1500 Elite Ideology Data, 2000-2018 (Liberalism Index for CEO, Board, Employee, and TMT). Available upon request.
Corporate Elite Ideology Data, 1980-2014 (Merge BoardEx with DIME data). Available upon request.
Experienced partisan segregation at POI and community level. Available upon request.
LLVM4Protest: Two large language and vision models to detect protest in news. Available on github.