CALL FOR PAPERS: Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research

Cohabitation and the Evolving Nature of Intimate and Family Relationships

Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, an annual series which focuses upon cutting-edge topics in family research around the globe, is seeking manuscript submissions for a special volume. The volume will focus on the theme of ‘Cohabitation and the Evolving Nature of Intimate and Family Relationships.’

In societies around the globe, couples are increasingly opting to live together without going through the formal and legal complications of marriage. Despite the many prevailing stereotypes about cohabitors, such couples are comprised of individuals from the full spectrum of age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and more. Their rationales for cohabiting are equally expansive, with some regarding the relationship as a short-term fling, while others regard it as a relatively permanent and lasting relationship. Likewise, many cohabiting couples live as only a couple, while a growing number of cohabiting households also include children. Given the tremendous diversity in cohabiting couples, as well as the increasing prominence of this form of intimate relationship, there exists a need to better comprehend the structural, affectional, and other characteristics of cohabitation around the world. This multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will focus upon cohabitation. In doing so, we are seeking articles that cover a wide array of topics including: transitions into cohabitation, parenting and parental roles, division of domestic labor among cohabitors, sharing of economic resources, elderly cohabitors, legal complications of cohabitation, intimate partner violence, interconnections between cohabitation and marriage, sex and sexuality, assortative mating among cohabiting partners, premarital cohabitation and its consequences, relationship dissolution, gender ideologies, changing patterns of cohabitation, cohabitation and remarriage, and parental cohabitation and child development, among others.

This volume of CPFR with be coedited by Yongjun Zhang of The State University of New York (Stony Brook) and Sampson Lee Blair of The State University of New York (Buffalo). Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the editors ( and, preferably in MS WORD format. Manuscripts should not exceed approximately 40 double-spaced pages (not including tables, figures, and references). Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in CPFR. Manuscripts should adhere to the APA format. Manuscripts should represent previously unpublished work. An abstract of 150-250 words should be included at the beginning of each manuscript. All manuscripts will undergo peer review.

The deadline for initial submissions is September 30, 2022. Any questions may be directed to the editors at and

Additional information about the book series can be found here -

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